We have finally had some nice weather!!! Today we were busy relocating some of our raised garden beds and the beans helped me drill our box together. I made a special point to tell my daughter that she is a strong girl who can work a drill just as good as any boy! The good thing about my little helpers is that they are amazing at amending the soil for me and finding worms to add to our boxes.
The lovely Jennifer from Three Dogs In A Garden (her blog is beyond inspiring) sent me this gardening book for the beans. It has so many project ideas for little ones in the garden. The beans have already bookmarked the ones that they would like to try for this season!
And I would like to add that Jennifer was one of my first followers. Always leaving me encouraging comments when I had none. And for that I would like to say thank you Jennifer!
Busy working Beans!
So with a couple of jobs checked off the list in the garden here is a project that we knocked out inside.
A year ago we tackled our tiny bathroom. (we are lucky to have one off of our bedroom) I enjoy being somewhat of a minimalist so a small bathroom actually works for us. It is the size of a closet and its 1967ness was really starting to show. With a broken toilet. rotted pipes, and funk growing in the shower we decided to fix it up.
Do you like our wire hanger rigging?!?!
With the space being so small it was a bit hard to even take a picture! The little things that help us live in our small bath are hooks for hanging, trays for extra this and thats, and a large medicine cabinet over the sink for storage. The old vanity was donated. Its replacement is an extra small size that makes the space feel larger.
And the week has already been a good one! I will be around to visit your blogs here in a bit as it has been a bit busy here! At a doctors appointment today I was taken when I walked into the office building and was greeted by a stunning indoor garden. It was a reminder that even when your mind is consumed with other things that it is important to slow down and look around you.
May your week be filled with beautiful things!