Hello folks! I sure hope you all had a festive holiday! We had a great Christmas with lots of loafing around and sleeping in. It will be shocking when next week comes knocking and we are back to zipping around and scheduled activities. I'm not sure I'm ready for that, but are we ever?!?
With the date reading January 2nd now, I've been thinking about what this year will look like. No big resolutions to speak of. Just simple everyday goals of this and thats to be a better me. I must admit this time of year is usually the time when I start to feel the shift. The...which way are we going kinda thing. For now we are here, taking in the days with 3 rambunctious beans though this quote always rings loudly in my head.....

So in the event that we don't move to land and we are here in this suburban house for the long haul, there are some things that need to be addressed in the garden this year. A huge challenge for any gardener is creating a sense of depth and privacy in their space. Couple that with a small plot and surrounding neighbors and you're left with a challenging puzzle as for what to plant. I'm still working on creating my screen against the back fence. I lost both diablo ninebarks this past year. So needless to say I'm in desperate need of reworking my backdrop along the back fence. Below you can see some gaps and the fence glaring out at you. This will be an ongoing saga this spring so please bear with me!
Nice mass plantings and backdrop in a garden I visited this summer...
And here is some more garden inspiration. It is a small east coast garden from Fine Gardening.
{photos by James Salomon}
Besides the fact that this garden is full and lush, I am thoroughly taken with the use of conifers in the space. The endless layering in the background is a feast for the eyes and blocks the views of the neighbors.
Switching gears now to the creating department......I have done NOTHING in weeks! But alas, my mojo started coming back this week! It all began when I was tucking my bean girl in for the night. I began to look around their room and knew it was time to really finish...I mean REALLY finish
their space for them. They deserve a special spot and I'm so excited to give that to them.
Here is a shot of what their room looked like....
And though it is not completely done yet, it is almost there. Here is a design collage of some of the room's features. The plan is to have their space finished by the end of the month!
I hope that 2015 is your year!
That you reach and stretch for those dreams you never thought possible and they come true!
And as always....Happy Making, Baking, and Growing!