I'm not formal. Nope. On a typical day you'll find me with holes in my jeans, cuffed at the ankles so I can dig around in the dirt, one handed, with a baby on my hip. Which is why it is so ironic that I am drawn to formal gardens.
Now don't get me wrong, I do love the areas of my garden that are free flowing like these...
This quote about sums me up when it comes to garden design! I plan on naming the different areas of my garden thanks to Laurrie at My Weeds Are Very Sorry and her fantastic post about garden names.
The center bed has been changing ever since I planted a wall of privacy shrubs. It has now evolved into a space fit for my small formal garden.
Shrubs filling in and hostas to be moved...
bed pulled out...
a start of a grouping that failed due to conditions and squirrels...
Ok, so it's a start! The bed basically consists of Hydrangeas, foam flowers, New Guinea Sun Impatiens, and English ivy as a filler for this year. I would like to add boxwood down the center leaving some space in between for plantings. A larger focal point is key for the center of the bed but I'm waiting to find that special piece. I will be adding several more plant varieties to this tricky space of shade and afternoon sun. Overall, the goal is symmetry with a bit of whimsy!
Looking to some inspiration....
I have admired the gardens of Craig Bergmann for some time now. He is a Chicago based designer who also owns a 25 acre nursery. In the latest issue of Michigan Avenue, Bergmann stresses his love of the seasons and says, "If you don't listen to the site, the site comes back and bites you in the butt." Other designers refer to him as a "purist" who pays homage to the land. His work ranges from English gardens to green roofs.
Craig Bergmann's work inspires me to push beyond the expected and to create a space that has depth through the use of formal and informal elements.

I love your formal garden so far, Nicole! Aren't they all just lovely? I have always dreamed of one, too. Your ideas are inspiring me. xoxo
ReplyDeleteFor the most part formal gardens aren't my style although I enjoy visiting them and appreciate the symmetry. Yours looks lovely already and the plans you have are exciting. It will be interesting to see what you decide on for a focal point.I'm going to make a private prediction and wait and see if I'm right. Perhaps are gardens give us what we don't have in other areas of our lives.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so exciting! I love it when a change is in store. Looking forward to seeing how this evolves and those perfect additions you find along the way! My hubby (Horticulture Hick) loves the messy freestyle kind of garden. I tend to love the manicured look of an Italian style garden *sigh*. Maybe one day we can merge the two somehow!
ReplyDeleteYou are so talented! It is coming along beautifully! I wish I lived closer, I would build you a bench for that spot, It would be perfect to have one there! And to naming the spaces in your garden that is so awesome, it makes me think of Anne of Green Gables and how she named everything: "The lake of shining waters" "White way of delight" It just makes me smile! Oh, and I am with you on the formal thing....I like my jeans and t-shirt!
ReplyDeleteYour inspirational photos are really nice! The hydrangeas really pop against the shrubs you planted ~ such good contrast. I am glad you only had to plant three of shrubs for privacy!! Everything is so green and lush. You have a good thing going in that part of the garden! Hopefully it won't be long before you find the perfect centerpiece.
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a happy 4th. We have our first grillin' of the day behind us and we are all about to have naps before fireworks tonight. Take care!
Don't you hate when those darn squirrels goof up your gardens plans!? But I sure love what you have done with your groupings. Can't wait to see what your special focal point turns out to be! You should be proud of all the hard work that has been done already!
ReplyDeleteyowza lady! Your garden is amazing I so love the SPACE you have (very jealous). Love the inspiration too - drooooool! I always name my little spaces too, mostly due to the influence of Anne of Green Gables on my childhood.
ReplyDeleteI've only ever attempted one 'formal' bed and I must say they are pretty - dad would be proud (he's a landscape gardener). I've been rebelling for years and going for the wild chaos of nature herself but maybe I'm getting a little tamed as the years go by.
Sounds like an excellent plan ... and I like the bench as a focal point. You've really done a lot with your garden especially considering all the demands of your young family. Can I make just one suggestion? Don't use English Ivy, it is terribly invasive. How about Vinca instead? A very dependable ground cover in shade and nice blue flowers. Epimediums would be another alternative.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jason!! It means a lot coming from you! The ivy is an annual and I actually left them in their pots because when we moved into our home 6 years ago I spent a great deal of time tearing out several beds of ivy and let me tell ya it still pops up! Drives me crazy!
DeleteOK, then, that's a relief. Never heard of an annual English Ivy, but it's not something I have focused on.
DeleteLooks like your hard work is paying off, very pretty. I'm trying for a cottage garden look but it's a work in progress.
ReplyDeleteFantastic photos. I am exactly the same. I'm a jeans girl, rolled up and with holes at the knees yet I LOVE formal gardens. I love my kids getting grubby but love a tidy house. Looking forward to seeing what your gardens grows in the coming months xo
ReplyDeleteYour garden looks gorgeous, Nicole! I like the formal elements you are adding. I don't have time to be too formal with my own garden, but I do admire the look.
ReplyDeleteNicole you did a fantastic job! That is some start!!! I wish I could get my garden under control... I seriously need to do some heavy mulching! Those hydrangeas look gorgeous by the way! :D
Beth P
Gorgeous! I love it ;) i would eventually like to create several gardens on our property... A secret garden is in that list too. Love box woods ;) have a great weekend girl!
Lovely, lovely formal gardens.
ReplyDeleteI am sure whatever you end up with will be beautiful because you know and love flowers. I love flowers, but I don't know them. The birds have planted a lot of my garden - and that is okay with me.
Hi Nicole! Your garden is gorgeous and I won't tell you that sometimes I slip outside still in my pajamas and hope and pray the neighbors don't see me! yikes lol
ReplyDeleteBut seriously your garden skills are wonderful! Very beautiful!
I missed your Give-Away, but I have used that same Arbonne sunscreen for years and won't use anything else. I love their products and they have some kind of shower wash that is just amazing! I've been out of it for quite some time and need to order some more. It's pricey, but I just love it !
I hope you had a wonderful 4th!
And THIS is why I need a bigger yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've wanted a row of boxwood for as long as I can remember. I want a formal area. I want mass plantings of the same plants. I LOVE how serene and it is. And how solid areas of one color can make you gasp.
Alas, I love too many things, and to fit them all in, it lends my yard to more of the cottage garden style. It's never planned, it just happens that way. I see something I love, I buy it, I stick it in where it fits.
I keep saying "someday." :o)
Your first picture is so pretty. And the pink bee balm looks great. Mine hasn't started blooming yet.
Can't wait to see your new area fill in. I may be a wee bit jealous. :o)
I like your improvements and the inspiration. Formal gardens are well ordered and neat. As someone who gardens with a baby on her hip I bet that sense of calm is hugely appealing. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteI have to second Jason's advice on the ivy. It's a pain in the butt! Sometimes we're attracted to whatever is the opposite of our current reality. Formal gardens feel too confined for me but they're still beautiful. I can understand how leaving the chaos and craziness of little kids behind for some time in a well organized, structured garden would be soothing. You might want to add a big fence so no one can come bother you. ;o)
ReplyDeleteso pretty! I'm kind of drawn to formal gardens...I feel like maybe I get a handle on how to do one better than a more free-form thing...I could draw a chart first!
ReplyDeleteYour garden makeover is just beautiful Nicole! It looks so natural and orderly at the same time. Thanks for sharing the photos of the other formal gardens - they are food for inspiration. Gets me in the mood to garden again. It's been raining here every day since June 23rd and it is getting old. Yesterday was the first day it didn't rain until I heard it thundering and pouring at 11pm and again this morning at 3am. And still there is rain in the forcast for the rest of the week. My gardens and yard are like a swamp.
You have a lovely garden ! I am the first time on this blog and will follow you. I am also drawn to formal gardens but I am not the one to have myself a formal garden I am just not capable to keep it alll formal. I love the Bob Dylan quote.
ReplyDeleteJust beautiful. You have done so much work! I love the stepping stones going to the white stool. Lovely. :)
ReplyDeleteI love organic, overgrown, cottagey gardens AND formal, everything has a space gardens. I can't decide which I want.
This is going to look great Nicole! I love the curly-legged table as a small focal point and the large flat stones. I've never planned a garden, but go to the gardening store and see what I like and think "hmmm do I have a spot for this?". Horrible way to do it I suppose. I like your forethought and plant selections. Keep it coming! Wendy
ReplyDeleteIt'll be lovely whatever you do Nicole. I love formal gardens but I also like the rambling, English style "Cottage Garden" too, and I also love Australian native gardens, and many more styles too!
ReplyDeleteFirst things first though is the vegie garden - it doesn't take too much planning. It's just a matter of cramming as much as possible in the one space :-)
Sarah xx
oh wow!!! i'm really impressed! Even your wild and crazy is gorgeous and neat. I do also like a formal look. If I had more room, I would maybe attack something like that. wow. I love all you've done and look forward to updates!! Do you like a little boxwood maze thing? I totally forget what they're called. I always thought it'd be fun to have one of those, go out there with little clippers and maintain the thing perfectly...
ReplyDeleteNicole: Your garden is BEAUTIFUL! I loved the before, during and after pictures of your latest project - all I can say is WOW! -Derrith
ReplyDeleteNicole, your garden is beautiful. I love all the work you do. :)
ReplyDeleteI know this year I will not be able to do much work in the yard. I am trying to "listen" to what the land needs. It needs weed pulling, fire mitigation and about five tress cut down. :( They are completely dead from mistletoe.
Nicole, I think your garden looks so lovely. Esp the hydrangeas - they look so healthy with all the blooms on them.
ReplyDeleteNicole... between you and Wendy over at September Violets, I need ye to come do my garden! It would be a paradise i reckon after you both! I will pay you both in cake and cupcakes and promise to have cups of tea ready at all times. I'll even pitch in and get my not-at-all-green-fingers dirty! Pleeeeeeaaasssee?? ;) Hazel x
ReplyDeleteNicole, I love your garden! I soooo need to work on my entire yard but have no time....ever...it seems! That and the never ending rain. ugh. Oh well, next year, maybe! ;) Hope you are doing well! :)
Hi Nicole,
ReplyDeleteI think you and I are very much alike. :) I love, love, love a formal garden. However, I am not a "formal person" - ripped jeans and Birkenstocks here! I'm working on formalizing our garden as well. Thank you for the gorgeous inspiration.