Most of the time I enjoy the movement of things. New experiences and growth always lead to unexplored places. Movement in the home and garden also have their place.
last year...
last year...
It was always the plan to have the 2 bean girls share a room. The nursery was to become the work room for creating and quiet study time. Though as the transition neared, I found that this movement stopped me dead in my tracks. There will no longer be a nursery in our home. Funny, I have been excited for some time to have a space to create in again. But now I find that I'm moving through the space clearing it similarly to how you would peel off a band-aid. Quick and fast.
The work room is going to be simple. Found objects and using what we have to create this new place for our family.
Inspiration paper and thrift store chair is the start...
closet cleared and supplies starting to get organized...
The movement of this space is bittersweet.
But then again I suppose that's life...